Healing Reading Selfhealing en Counseling ook op Afstand of Online
Cranio-Sacraal Ontspanning en Voice Dialogue
Voor: Zingeving - Focus - Zelfkennis - Balans - Energie - Levenslust - Bewustwording - Grenzen
In geval van: Burn-out - Stress - Vermoeidheid - Jezelf kwijt - Intuïtie verbeteren - In contact komen met jouw Gevoel en jouw Kracht - Wie ben je echt?
(Published: December 6th 2021)
Because these words are an introduction to my website and for me are the source from which and towards which I walk my mission, it seems a good idea to me to give a description of these words, at least what they mean to me. Also taking into account that also I myself am on this road.
Inner Wisdom has nothing to do with how much diploma's you may or not may have, whether or not how good you can debate or discuss or the hight of your IQ. This is not what Inner Wisdom is about.
Inner Wisdom is the Wisdom you can find in your Heart and only in the silence inside of you. The silence, that is connected to the Source of All That Is.
Inner Strength is not physical power nor the showdown with words, or the power you think to have over others. Inner Strength is the power you feel inside based on the connection with yourself and with the Source of All That Is.
You will experience this Strength as a beneficial energy flow through your body. This Strength will not harm any creature on purpose. This Strength will assist others if asked. This Strength knows its borders and acts in accordance. This Strength can be confronting.
Inner Love is the love you feel for yourself. Often the biggest stumbling block for mankind to reconnect with. To tear down the walls that we unwillingly and unconsciously have constructed against it, built upon all kinds of convictions that we made our own. From the moment that we actively - regardless our background, past, damages or appearance - can confirm ourselves, look into the mirror and say to ourselves: "I love you", you will not be dependent on the acknowledgement of others and you will experience and receive real Love.
In the above sentence I talk about actively, because you may do it yourself and you need courage and perseverance. But the gift is liberation and reconnection with the Source of All that Is. In this source you already have been loved. You yourself were meant to rediscover it under your own power. Your live will no longer be surviving, but LIVING!
In touch with the inner states mentioned above your Inner Light will start shining brighter and brighter, resulting in you being the reflection of the Source of All That Is.
After the above you will better understand the name of my website. In the beginning in 2007 I spelled it Re-member-your-Self, which literally means 'Be member of your Higher Self again' freely translated 'Reconnect with your Higher Self' but it also means 'Remember who you really are'. From 2017 the spelling became 'Rememberyourself'.
Looking forward to hear from you to be able to empower you with one of my tools.